Final Blog Post Grading Guidelines
Due: by Sunday, Dec. 10
20 points
I will evaluate the final blog post on the following criteria:
- 5 points - Introduction. Mostly covered in presentation. Just say again the goal of the project and what you hoped to learn.
- 10 points - A summary of what you discovered from the research you did. What surprised you, or what did you learn that was unexpected when you first started?
- 5 points - Implications of the project, both what it means now and next steps.
Final Readings, Videos, and Podcasts
Here is the weekly schedule. The schedule indicates starred readings, videos, and podcasts to help focus your attention.
Readings from Elisabeth Rosenthal's book
- Front Matter, table of contents (3 pages)
- Introduction: Unaffordable Healthcare (4 pages)
- Ch. 4, The Age of Pharmaceuticals (partial read, history, myths) (10 pages)
- Ch. 18, Better Healthcare in a Digital Age (4 pages)
- Appendices
- Appendix A: Price/Shopping Tools
- Appendix B: Tools for Vetting Hospitals
- Appendix C: Glossary of Medical Bills and Explanations of Benefits
- Appendix D (not included)
- Appendix E: Templates for Protest Letters
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