Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Research Ideas

For my research paper, I have a few ideas that I would like to be its topics

The first proposal would be mobile health. But a more refined topic would be mobile health regarding smart watches and their applications. How they are able to record so much data throughout the day really interests me. What the company does with this data would be something I would look into. How these companies come up with the technology that can differentiate between sitting, standing, walking, running, sprinting, and even sleeping amazes me.

Another topic would be crispr. I have seen a few videos on what crispr can do and what that could do for the rest of humanity. I would be interesting researching this topic and finding out how it began, what stage it is now, and where people plan on taking it.

The last topic I have in mind would be rural health care. In "Escape Fire" this topic was eye opening to me on how we can map out where people need care and instead of them going to the emergency room, mobile health care professionals can come to them and properly treat their illnesses.


  1. So many good choices. I have a friend/colleague here at Integrative Health that was involved in building an app (or overseeing it) for the rural community. I am going to have him come talk to the class (for an hour as he teaches the same time we do).

    We definitely talk about Crispr. Look at the syllabus and schedule as I provide excellent readings on the topic.

    Those are my two preferences. I'll see if I can put you in touch with my colleague, if that is of interest to you.

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