Friday, September 8, 2017

Research ideas

One of the topic that is interesting to me is the mobile health. I just own a fitbit and am very surprised that it could track my activities even sleep. I want to discover more about the technology correlated with this little wristband. In addition, I want to know how the fitbit company utilizes the data. If it is possible for everybody to own a fitbit to become healthier. What is the reduction in the cost on health issues fitbit contributes to.

I also have an interest in price discrepancies between U.S. and China. Generally it is cheaper to have surgeries in China. I would like to know more about reasons behind it. I also would like to compare the U.S. health insurance with Chinese health insurance. I would collect some surveys to interview some Chinese students on how they feel about United healthcare.

1 comment:

  1. Both good topics. I have a research paper on the data fitbit collects, but not sure it has cost issues covered. Your question might be hard to investigate. I do, however, like your proposal to investigate insurance differences in the U.S. and China. Does health insurance reduce the price of healthcare in China? If so, how? Explain what China does and then how it compares to the U.S. THEN you can ask your questions to Chinese students living in the U.S. (I assume that is what you want to do.)
